House Appropriations Committee should reject proposed cuts to CDC FY25 budget

July 2024


BCHC and more than 160 organizations have urged the House Appropriations Committee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies to reject the proposed $1.8 billion in cuts to the CDC, including the elimination of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (Injury Center).

Robust investment in the CDC and its diverse array of programming is vital to America’s health and well-being. The Injury Center provides distinct primary prevention programming, research, and evaluation that is not duplicative to programs across other agencies, and the proposed cuts would effectively undo decades of progress toward a safe and healthy future.

Our organizations are committed to a vision of a nation free from injury and violence, so that individuals, no matter who they are or where they reside, are safe where they live, work, travel, and play, and the CDC’s Injury Center plays a primary role in that effort.

The recently released bill text is a misguided threat to programs and services that protect our communities and families. We call on leadership to oppose the following:

  • A 22% decrease in CDC funding, $2.3 billion less than the President’s budget request, and $1.8 billion below the FY24 enacted level; and
  • Elimination of funding for the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, a cut of $761 million below the 2024 level and $943 million below the President’s FY 2025 request, which would in turn eliminate several key programs addressing:
  • Firearm injury and mortality prevention research
  • Opioid overdose prevention and surveillance
  • Drowning prevention
  • Adverse Childhood Experience (ACEs) prevention

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