About Us

Group photo showing most of BCHC's members


The Big Cities Health Coalition (BCHC) is a forum for the leaders of America’s largest metropolitan health departments to exchange strategies and jointly address issues to promote and protect the health and safety of the 61 million people they serve. Together, these public health officials directly affect the health and well-being of nearly one in five Americans.  

Our vision

Healthy, more equitable communities through big city innovation and leadership

Our mission

Advancing equity and health for present and future generations, through sharing of best practices, leadership, and advocacy

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Membership criteria

The Coalition represents the health leaders of the largest cities in the nation’s most urban areas. Member cities must have a city population of at least 500,000 to be eligible, and must be a locally controlled health department, not a state agency.* Membership is extended to the health department that has primary jurisdiction over the city, whether it be a city or county agency.

* All members that were in good standing each time eligibility has been amended have been grandfathered in, even if they did not meet the current criteria. This currently includes Cleveland, Long Beach, Minneapolis, and Oakland.

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BCHC at a glance

Download our one-pager BCHC at a glance