BCHC to DEA: make teleprescribing flexibilities permanent
March 2025

BCHC urges the DEA to make the pandemic teleprescribing flexibilities permanent and work with Congress to ensure ongoing access to virtual prescribing for patients and providers of certain controlled substances.
On behalf of the Big Cities Health Coalition (BCHC), Executive Director Chrissie Juliano sent a letter to the DEA about the proposed rule on Special Registrations for Telemedicine and Limited State Telemedicine Registrations.
While the DEA has shown forward movement on telemedicine prescribing of controlled substances policy, there is still concerning language in the proposed rule that restricts patient access to telemedicine rather than narrow protections against diversion of controlled substances. Concerns include:
While the need for protections is understood, a clear pathway is needed for medical practitioners to practice telehealth nationwide without unreasonable burdens or restrictions. BCHC urges the DEA to ensure that final regulations prioritize patient access and provider flexibility.